I’m in a good mood, the weather is (mildly) warm, I had a good breakfast, my sex toys are charging, the house is quiet… so…
Join me for Kitten Boheme’s Good Mood Giveaway and enter to win this super, totally awesome, custom printed reusable bag from the way cool people at Smitten Kitten!
This is seriously one of my favorite items currently at Smitten Kitten. I love mine so much that I bought another one to share with one lucky-ducky friend.
This bag can be filled with sex toys… or maybe groceries… or gym clothes… or candy… or…fill it with whatever you want! This custom printed reusable Chico Bag is perfect for carrying around ALL THE THINGS!
Personally, I show my sex toy pride whenever I visit the co-op, my locally grown carrots taste better after a spin in my sex toy bag. It has also served me well as a très chic overnight bag.
Sex toys pictured not included. You’ll have to fill it with your own. Sorry.
Kitten Boheme’s Good Mood Giveaway!
Simply cannot wait for the contest to end? Are you like me and need TEN THOUSAND of these bags? If we help Smitten Kitten sell about 30 more of these bags, they might order them in again IN A NEW COLOR. HOT DAMN! Buy your very own “This Bag is Full of Sex Toys” reusable bag from the Smitten Kitten for only $6.50! Can you think of a more perfect Valentine’s Day gift? Especially if you fill it up with sex toys before you gift it!